
On September 1, 2022, SOBRAPE's Innovation Committee, in partnership with the School of Dentistry and the PG.PERIO of USP - Ribeirão Preto, held the "1st Live Innovation".

The event was held in the theater of the USP Campus in Ribeirão Preto and was attended by professors: Arthur Belém Novaes Júnior, Mário Taba Júnior, Sérgio Scombatti, Glécio Vaz de Campos and Alexandra Dias in the morning lectures and professor Michel Messora in the afternoon "hands on" with the theme 'Mucosal Substitutes' with 15 participants.

But the highlight of the day was the live surgery performed by professors Michel Messora and Ricardo Denardi, with the immediate installation of an implant in an aesthetic area and a temporary crown. This surgery was followed by the audience in person and by online participants from various Brazilian states.

There was intense interaction with the participants through questions and comments during the surgical procedure.

At the end there was a debate between the teachers and the public present and online.

The event was supported by Geistlich, Colgate, Neodent, Techsuture, Hu Friedy, Helsè Ultrasonic, N&W, Zeiss and Salli.

More than 200 people enthusiastically visited the commercial space, as they had the opportunity to see the products and launches of the various companies supporting the event.

In addition to the lecturers and companies, we also had the collaboration of Dr Flávia Furlaneto, Dr Cláudio Julio Lopes, Dr Leonardo Costa and Dr Cintia Merkle in conducting the activities and organizing the event.


Take a look at the event:

The video below is a short summary of INNOVATION LIVE

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